We are excited to announce that our branding work for Old Stein Inn has been featured in HOW Design! This past year, our Drei Bruder logo was recognized in the 8th Annual HOW Logo Design Awards by judge Wally Krantz of Landor New York and selected as one of only 20 winners from over 1,200 submissions.
“By integrating three generations of Old Stein patronage and ownership, we’ve been able to create three distinct logos and brands that fit under one house—a family of logo marks for a family oriented brand,” says Jennifer Culpepper, owner and creative director of Peppermill Projects.

In "A Studio, an Eatery and an 8-Year Client Relationship," Jenn explains how the Peppermill process resulted in a family of logos and offers insight to the art of designing an authentic brand. You can read the article in its entirety here!